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1 year ago Services East New York   33 views

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Location: East New York
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One of the most annoying infertility problems is male infertility that occurs because of low or decreased sperm count. Almost half of the infertility troubles are faced by couples are due to male infertility. The most widespread form of male infertility is a low or decreased sperm count.
The following points need to considered while studying Male Infertility :

  • Volume of semen.
  • Sperm count – oligospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia.
  • Motility of sperm.
  • Structural defects of sperms – Due to vitiated vata dosha.
  • Any obstruction in genital tract.
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Overcoming male infertility requires some basic modulation in lifestyle and food habits. Rejuvenation and Aphrodisiac treatment plays an important role. Rejuvenation therapy revitalizes the body and reinforces it internally and externally thus enhances body endurance and also assists in creating healthier sperms. Aphrodisiac Works as : Sperm generating or enhancing sperm count and increase ejaculation of seminal fluid. Natural herbs like Shatavari, Nagbala, Bala, Musali, Ashwagandha, Abhya, Amla, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Shatavari kalpa plays an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms. Kapikacchu, Vidari, Gokshur, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Bruhati phala, cures problems related to Semen ejaculation. Gokshur, Ashwagandha, Musali, Kapikacchu, Pippali, Milk, Ghee, Fruits and fruit juices; and the most important aspect – pleasant relaxed state of mind is the key ingredient to treat infertility. Vrishya herbs not only increases sperm count qualitatively and quantitatively, but also improves vigor, it also takes care of problems like impotency, loss of libido.

For more information visit our website-www.ayrvedahimachal.com