Ashtanga yoga teachers training in Mysore Private
2 years ago - Services - Myrtle Grove - 52 viewsWhy You Should Attendan Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Mysore
In this article, I will share the benefits of an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Mysore.
One of the reasons that I decided to do the Ashtanga yogateacher training was because I wanted to get a deeper understanding of thepractice. The Ashtanga yoga teacher training in Mysore was not only a great wayto learn about the practice but it also gave me the resources and support toteach yoga on my own.
The Benefits ofAttending an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Mysore
1. You will receive a comprehensive and thoroughunderstanding of the history and philosophy of yoga. You will learn theprinciples of yoga. You will learn the asanas, the poses, how to do them, howthey benefit the body, and how they affect your mind. You will learn aboutpranayama, or breath control. You will learn about bandhas, or energy locks.You will understand more about kriyas, or cleansing routines.
2. Ashtanga yoga is the largest, oldest and most well-knownstyle of yoga. With its emphasis on physical poses, breathing techniques anddiscipline, it is a vigorous and effective practice that can be practiced bypeople of all levels.
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