Bachelors in Travel and Tourism Management in Mumbai Professional
1 year ago - Services - Mumbai - 13 views
215,000 ₹
Bachelors in travel and tourism management is a 3-yearfull-time undergraduate course divided into six semesters, thecourse deals with providing competent young men and women with the necessaryknowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to occupy vital operational positionsin the traveland tourism industry.
StudyingBBA is a great choice for those who want to pursue a career in Travel and Tourismmanagement. As the tourism industry is one of the most critical sectors of thecountry, education in tourism becomes essential to cater to the increasing demandfor skilled resources in this field.
Admissionsare open for Batch 2023-2024 in BBA Apply Now! For Free Career Counseling CallUs Now: +91 - 864 598 5555