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Best PGDM Colleges in Pune | Top Management Colleges Professional

2 years ago Services Pueblo   49 views

$ --

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Location: Pueblo
Price: $ --

Are you looking for the best management institutes in India? Then IIEBM is the best college for PGDM that offers management courses in Pune with specialization. IIEBM is one of the Best Management Colleges in Pune. Our mission is to provide opportunities to students to discover full potential of managerial competencies.

IIEBM's Indus Business School was established in Pune in the year 2000 and has completed 21 years in the field of Management Education. Our Educational Trusts have been in the field of education since circa 1951.

IIEBM began its journey under the able stewardship of Shrimant Shivaji Raje Naik Nimbalkar and Col. Vinod Marwaha with a vision of imparting affordable, quality and value based education to groom students and professionals to make a mark in the dynamic fields of Business Management and Entrepreneurship.

In addition to imparting contemporary and Industry relevant training our focus is on creating young managers and leaders who have a high sense of integrity, concern for the environment and are good human beings with strong moral characters.