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Biodiesel price Trend and Forecast Professional

2 years ago Services New York City   43 views
Location: New York City
Price: $ --

Soda Ash price witnessed a significant rise throughout the Q1 of 2022 in North America amidst the appreciable offtakes from the downstream segments such as figured glasses, automotive, construction and cleaning sectors in USA. Risein Soda Ash prices resulted due to a steep rise in demand from glass and construction segment due to the active pick-up in the domestic market. Domestic manufacturers implemented consistent positive revisions in Soda ash price in the near term as they had no choice but to pass on the additional cost down the value chain to secure their margins. The price of Soda Ash Light was assessed at USD 304/MT on an Ex-Works Wyoming basis.

For more information

websites:-  https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/biodiesel-77

Contact No:- +13322586602