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Book Pandit for Ganesh Puja Professional

2 years ago Services Auburn   47 views

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Location: Auburn
Price: $ --

Ganapati Puja improves the wisdom and knowledge of the devotees. The other name of Ganesh Chaturthi is Vinayaka Chaturthi (Vināyaka Chaturthī). Benefits of Ganapati Puja(Ganesh Chaturthi. •  Lord Ganesha bestows Good fortune to devotees both in personal and professional life. •  The blessings of Lord Ganesh purifies the soul of the worshippers. •  Performing Ganesh Puja operates the Adnya Chakra of the devotees. •  It increases the patience level. People consider Lord Ganesha as a good listener due to his large ears. So, they believed that if you offered prayers to him, he would bless us and enhance our patience level. •  Worshipping Lord Ganesh resolves our financial obstacles. It also brings success in our work.

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