Both students and professionals can enroll in Reiki Honolulu from QSMH2 Professional
2 years ago - Services - Honolulu - 62 views
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Start your career as a Reiki specialist inmedical establishments or spas by getting admitted to the holistic Reiki Honolulu learning sessions offered by QSMH2. The innovative course isfor learners and professionals, to learn chakra balancing or Reiki lessons. Inthis process, the students’ practice the Reiki methods by utilizing their handsor palms, therein transmitting the omnipresent energy or Reiki present in theform of life force or Chi energy through the hands for holistic self-healing.It is the optimal way to revitalize individuals physically, psychically, andemotionally. Visit www.qsmhh.schoolto know more. Speak at808.721.8342