Cancer Treatment In India - ZenOnco Professional
2 years ago - Services - Bengaluru - 36 is the first integrative oncology treatmentcenter in India that provides patients with the best cancer care treatment thatbegins with diagnosis and continues till after the recovery of the patients andthe aftercare that they need to be given. The aim of our organization is tohelp patients maintain their physical and mental health while fighting cancerthrough a number of services.
The services we provide:
· Integrative Oncology
· Anti-Cancer Diet
· Emotional counselling
· Medical cannabis
· Nutraceuticals
· Ayurveda
Our integrative oncology services provide consultation fromthe best oncologists in the country. We also have a multidisciplinary panel whodiscuss all aspects of the disease and therapy so that the patient can choosethe best cancer treatment for them.
Our Anti-cancer diet and supplements like medical cannabiscustomized for each patient by our onco-nutritionist helps improve the healthof patients and improve immunity.
We also employ ayurvedic medicines and nutritionalsupplements which are proven to have anti- cancerous elements that help fightcancer.
Call us: +91 9930709000
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