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Certified Provider of Notary Services in Reading PA Private

2 years ago Services New York City   43 views

$ --

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Location: New York City
Price: $ --

Cadet Tags Services, LLC is a trusted provider of   loan signing agent and Notary Services in ReadingPA.Our notaries have the credentials and experience to help ensure that the legaldocuments in question are administered and signed as required by law. We offernotary services to help make life easier.

Certain documents must be notarized to have legal effect. Giventhe inherent formal and corresponding significance of this subject of legaldocuments that must be notarized, state governments have deemed it necessary toenlist a trained individual to assist with their execution. A notary public,following his or her official appointment, acts as a quasi-public officer toattest to the proper execution of these important documents.

Types of documents that we DON’T notarize:

·        Wills

·        Power of attorney

·        Real estate documents

·        Estate documents

·        Handwritten letters

·        Custody agreements

·        Complaints

·        I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification forms

·        Deeds

For more information visit: www.cadetautotags.com

Call us: 16102225803