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Cheap calling to Uganda with Amantel Professional

1 year ago Services Jersey City   28 views
Location: Jersey City
Price: $10

Amantel is a telecommunications service provider that offers international calling services, including calling to Uganda. To make cheap calls to Uganda with Amantel, you can follow these general steps:


1- Visit the Amantel website: Go to the Amantel website at https://www.amantel.com/.


2- Sign up or log in:If you're a new user, you'll need to create an account with Amantel. If you already have an account, log in with your credentials.


3- Add funds to your account: To make international calls, you'll need to add funds to your Amantel account. You can typically do this through various payment methods, such as credit/debit cards or PayPal.


4- Choose the calling plan: Amantel offers various calling plans or packages for different countries, including Uganda. Look for the plan that suits your needs and budget. These plans often offer discounted rates for calling specific countries.


5- Dial the access number: Amantel will provide you with an access number to call from your phone. Dial this access number on your phone's keypad.


6- Start your call: Once you've entered the destination number, your call will be connected to Uganda, and you can start talking.