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Check out the best farm houses and gardens near Bangalore Professional

2 years ago Services Bengaluru   32 views

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Location: Bengaluru
Price: -- ₹

Farmhousesare usually large, country houses that are used for farming. They usually havea lot of history and they tend to be very old. Farmhouses are often handed downfrom generation to generation because they are so unique and charming.

To find the perfect farmhouse, you need to consider size, location, and design.For size, do you want a small, intimate house for two or a large house that canaccommodate a family? For location, do you want a rural farmhouse or one closerto town? Finally, you need to decide on the style of the farmhouse: traditionalcountry farmhouse or something more modern?

Once you have narrowed your search to which specific farmhouse you are lookingfor, you can then narrow down your selection by region or type. The bestfarmhouses in the country can give you a head start in your search.

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Triguna Farms Pvt. Ltd.                      

#102, FirstFloor, Triguna Icon

#21,Arekempanahalli, Hosur Road

SiddapuraCircle, Bengaluru – 560 027

Phone No. -+91 78169 99111

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