Complete Hair FallSolution Causes for Hair Loss: Private
2 years ago - Services - Bangor - 33 viewsComplete Hair FallSolution
Causes for Hair Loss:
· Family History
· Hormonal changes and medical conditions.
· Medications and supplements.
· Radiation therapy to the head.
Diagnostic System:
1. Pulse Diagnostic, Kirlian Photography.
2. Testing of Vitamins, Minerals & Blood.
Treatment Plans:
· PRP: Itis a non-surgical minimally invasive procedure that involves drawing Blood fromyour body, processing it to extract healing platelets and injecting it into theareas of your scalp.
· Hair Transplantation: Ahair transplant is a process in which a dermatological surgeon moves hair to abald area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side ofthe head to the front or top of the head.
· Acupressure: Acupunctureis a of alternative therapy wherein you apply pressure on certain parts of thebody in order to stimulate the flow of chi which promotes the healingproperties of the body.
· Homeopathy: Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systemsof medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory ofindividualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.
Wanted consultant for PRP and HairTransplant
Call: 9845025795/9964216879