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Construction Recruitment Consultants Professional

2 years ago Services London   70 views
Location: London
Price: $ --

In Croatia, theconstruction industry always lacks skilled manpower. It is typical to find agood job and efficient manpower in this industry. AJEETS has been recruitingthe most efficient candidates for different construction projects. Our expertsselect the best candidates from different parts of the world. AJEETS is one ofthe best Constructionrecruitment consultants. It’s been 16 years we have been in this industry and helping thecandidates and clients. We recruit candidates from India, Nepal, Bangladesh,Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda. AJEETS helps candidates to getplaced in the best construction companies in Zagreb, Rijeka, Pula, Korcula andSplit. AJEETS assists you inidentifying the most qualified individuals. Laborers, plumbers, shutteringcarpenters, draftsmen, duct men, mechanics, roofers, painters, and tile fittersare among the positions we fill. We provide cost-effective and timely servicesas the top Construction job agency. Try some of our most popular services!

Contact Us:               

AJEETS Management &Manpower Consultancy

Western Edge 2, Office No 407,4th Floor, Opp.Metro Mall,

Western Express Highway,

Borivali -East

Mumbai-400066, India

Email ID:    hr_one@ajeets.com , info@ajeets.com

Website:    https://www.ajeets.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AjeetsOutsourcing

Twitter:      https://twitter.com/ajeetsholding

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajeetsmanagement/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ajeetsgroup

For more details please visits <a href= “https://ajeets.com/industries/Infrastructure-Civil-and-Road-Construction-Recruitment”>here</a>