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Contact Universal Pest & Termite to experience best bed bug exterminator near me in Virginia Beach Professional

2 years ago Services Virginia Beach   45 views

$ --

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Price: $ -- Negotiable

Many of us are not aware of the unique properties of bed bugs that they can live for several months without blood. They can survive in furniture, bags and suitcases for a long time until they are near a human host again. So, it is extremely important to use a complete pest control program to eradicate them. After working in the pest control industry in the United States for nearly two decades, Universal Pest & Termite knows the threat the bed bug can pose to us. Our bed bug exterminator near me service by the most experienced and highly trained exterminators ensures no application is made until bed bug activity has been verified and an immediate location determined. Then our exterminators will provide the best possible treatment to completely remove the bed bugs from every corner of your home.         

If you wish to have any further information, you can contact us at 757-502-0200 or visit our website: https://universalpest.com/bed-bug-pest-control-service/