Data Base Replication Services Professional
2 years ago - Multimedia - Mumbai - 28 viewsData replication is the process of creating multiple copiesof the same data across numerous servers and databases in order to increase theavailability and reliability of the data storage system. Multiple copies of thesame data or data redundancy are introduced when data is copied from onedatabase on the primary server to a second (or more) database(s) on a secondaryserver. As a result, storage expenses increase.
Advantage :
Recovery from a disaster. Multiple calamities can cause dataloss, ranging from storms, fires, and floods destroying your data centres tohackers locking you out of your data. You can recover from a variety ofworst-case scenarios by creating backups.Enhance data accessibility. Access toa single database can be disrupted by system problems and hardware failure.Data replication improves data availability by allowing resources to beaccessed from several databases in the event of virus or system failure.
Contact Us:
Navigator Systems Private Limited
Mobile no: +91 9986288377
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