Dholera Smart City Plot on EMI Plots at Dholera Smart City Professional
1 year ago - Real estate - Ahmedabad - 26 viewsDholera Smart City - Residential Plots in Dholera
Dholera is about to emerge as one of the best and resourceful smart cities in the next upcoming years. This developing city sets a benchmark for many sectors such as pharmaceutical, jewellery, chemical and petroleum, automobile, textile, etc., and also contributes to becoming a global giant as the state government potentially tries to provide all strength in scaling up mechanism and dynamic manufacturing ecosystem. Investing in the Dholera SIR will definitely give you Higher Multiply returns in coming future. This is the real time to buy the property is the most livable and lovable city DHOLERA SIR.
Location Benefit: Dholera Airport - Opp Site Express Highway - 1 KM 4 Lane Highway - 1 KM SIR Gate - 3 KM Metro Station -1KM
for more detail call - +919227033377 or visit- https://www.dholeraprime.com/residential-plot-projects-in-dholera-sir/dholera-airport-homes