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Dialysis Centres in Hyderabad - Sree manju Hospital Professional

2 years ago Services Indio   37 views


  • dialysis-centres-in-hyderabad-sree-manju-hospital-big-0
Location: Indio
Price: $100

Are you looking for the best dialysis centres near me? Sree Manju Hospital is one of the leading Dialysis Centres in Hyderabad.And having  highly advanced technology equipment and providing world class facilities. Our patients are most happiest patients because we provide the best treatments like Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) remove waste products and excess fluid from the blood, Peritoneal dialysis (PD) cleansing fluid flows through a tube and we provide Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) 24-hour non-stop dialysis therapy used to support patients with renal (kidney) failure etc. book your appointment now.