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Direct Entry in CA After Graduation with Parag Gupta: Studybytech Professional

1 year ago Services Delhi   38 views


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Location: Delhi
Price: $15,000

Are you aspiring to become a Direct Entry in CA After Graduation? Look no further! Parag Gupta, a renowned expert in the field, offers comprehensive CA classes through StudybyTech.

Normally, one must pass the CA Foundation in order to enroll in CA Intermediate. You can, however, take a shortcut if you have already earned your graduation in any stream. You can instantly enroll in CA Intermediate following graduation thanks to Parag Gupta's Studybytech program, saving you important time. 

Your knowledge and abilities will be increased by Parag Gupta's classes, which have a lot of expertise and a successful track record. Choose Studybytech for a fast route to CA success and cut the length of the CA journey down to the absolute minimum.