Education loan interest rate Private
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An education loan is a sum of money borrowed to covercosts associated with higher education or postsecondary education.Education loans are designed to pay for tuition, books, supplies, and livingcosts while the borrower is pursuing a degree. Education loans are given out inorder to pursue an academic degree at a recognised college or university. Youcan get student loans from the government or from lending institutions in theprivate sector.
Benefits Of Education Loan
· Bychoosing an education loan you can prevent exhausting your family's resourcesand avoiding having to liquidate bonds, mutual funds, or fixed-incomeinvestments.
· ALarge range of costs are covered.
· Italso helps you in liberating your parents from loan burden.
Although there are many different types of education loans,they can be broadly divided into two categories: federal loans supported by thefederal government and private loans.
1. Federalloans supported by the federal government- When a borrower needs money foreducational expenses, they tend to turn to federal government financing first.Filling out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the first step inapplying for federal student loans for education (FAFSA).
2. Privateloans- These loans are non-federal loans provided by a lender such asa bank, credit union, government agency, or educational institution. Inrare instances, the federal student loan package that a student receives may advisethe borrower to submit an application for additional funding from privatelenders.
Interest Rates On Education Loan
· Loan amounts andinterest rates differ between banks
· The basic lendingrate is from 9.5% onwards.
Aspects that Determine Education Loan EMI
· Loanamount
· Repaymenttenure
· InterestRate on the loan amount
Aspects to determine while taking the education loan
· Coursefor which loan is applicable
· Loaneligibility criteria
· Guarantorrequired
· Interestrate
· Loanamount
· Collateralrequired
· Repaymenttenure
Educational loan has been a major game changer for manyaspiring students, helping them live their dreams by studying in their dreamcollege.
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