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Elon Musk - How bankrupt Genius minds become billionaire | Flykars Professional

2 years ago Services Carrollton   51 views

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Location: Carrollton
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ELON MUSK has made his place in the second richest person in the world, he is the first richest person of the whole world for a few days. But some have fallen behind billions of Dollars. He is the founder and CEO of big companies like Paypal, Tesla, and SpaceX, and his net worth is $171 Billion Dollars. Let's subscribe to the blog before reading about them in detail. Elon Musk made Rocket only with bookish knowledge, so you can guess from this how intelligent he is, Elon Musk has become such an inspiration to the whole world that he wants to be like him that there is a lot of work in the world like Elon Musk, but you can change your life by taking inspiration from his life and understanding the value of everything.

Name- Flykars
Website- https://flykars.com/