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Enroll Your Kid At The Best LEGO Camps Professional

2 years ago Services Hackettstown   60 views

$ --

  • enroll-your-kid-at-the-best-lego-camps-big-0
Location: Hackettstown
Price: $ --

Are you considering sending your kid to a camp for LEGOs? If your child hasn't already, this is the ideal time to sign them up for LEGO classes. Thanks to their patient instruction and readily available resources, the LEGO camp at Super Science can be the ideal place for your youngster to start their LEGO adventure.

Super Scientific is a group of passionate science enthusiasts and committed teachers that aim to make understanding science FUN! We run our programs on the weekends, during the summer, and during school breaks. Workshop instruction is entirely hands-on. They are intended to be both entertaining and instructive.