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Falcon Train Ambulance in Patna is a Risk-Free Transport Provider for Patients with Critical State Professional

1 year ago Services Paradise   34 views
Location: Paradise
Price: $90,000

Falcon Emergency Train Ambulance Service in Patna provides medical transportation with bed-to-bed service that maintains the continuity of comfort and safety all along the journey ensuring a non-discomforting journey for the patients. We have been doing the needful of arranging the best medical transport solution for the patients allowing them to travel without any casualties caused on the way. With our quick response team, you will be getting the best assistance regarding your underlying requirements within no time.

!!More Details and Further Enquiry!!

R.K Estate, In front of IGIMS, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar – 800014

Mob: +91-7368088573, +91-9205909876

Email: - info@falconemergency.com