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Free Search the Asia Pacific Vitamin D Prices Professional

1 year ago Services Delano   47 views

$ --

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Location: Delano
Price: $ --

The Vitamin D Prices remained bullish during the first quarter of 2023, with CFRprices in New Jersey ending up at $15800 per MT in January and $16200 per MT inMarch, respectively. Industry players had predicted that the pharmaceutical andnutraceuticals industries would continue to sail through mixed sentimentsduring the first quarter of 2023 as a result of the market turbulence in theprevious quarter. However, consistent end-user demand and moderate inquiriesfrom downstream providers kept the market dynamics in check. The first half ofthe quarter benefited from China's easing of its zero-covid ban since thesupply chain and trade remained healthy, which led to a decrease in freightcosts.  

For more information

E-Mail:- sales@chemanalyst.com

websites:-  https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/vitamin-d-1259

Contact No:- +13322586602