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Gym Trainers Near Me Professional

2 years ago Services Champaign   70 views
Location: Champaign
Price: $ --

Elite Fitness Training and Coaching – Top Ranking Gym Trainers Near Me! We offers a customized, tailored training program to achieve your goals and a diet and exercise plan to prepare your mind and body for a change. The training program is designed with years of experience, research, dedication, and dedicated to the art of body sculpting. The program aims to achieve the perfect razor-sharp six-pack beach figure, fat burning, muscle building, toning up, banishing cellulite, improving strength, fitness, conditioning, athletic performance, and a tailored diet plan.

Name - Michael Giesler

Business Name - Elite Fitness Training & Coaching

Website - https://elitefitnesstrainingandcoaching.com/

Email - michael_giesler@me.com

Phone - +1 (217) 714-3013

Company address - 2902 Hundman Dr Suite 103, Champaign, IL 61822