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How Does IPL Work? - For Facial and Body Hair Removal Professional

2 years ago Fashion, Home & Garden Austin   52 views
Location: Austin
Price: $ --

IPL technology works by emitting pulses of broad-spectrum lightthat target the pigment in your hair shaft and follicle.

The heat from the light energy is absorbed by the pigment found indark hair follicles and damages the hair root (bulb), which prevents futurehair growth.

IPL hair removal devices are commonly referred to as "at-home laser hair removalbecausethey use light energy to remove and suppress hair growth.

However, IPL is different from laser hair removal, which uses asingle wavelength of light to target the melanin in the hair shaft.

IPL treatments have been used for over 20 years to treat a varietyof aesthetic concerns, and there is a wealth of research to support its safetyand efficacy.

IPL treatments are non-invasive and cause minimal discomfort.

Most people report feeling a mild, brief warmth during thetreatment but no pain.

IPL treatments have very few side effects and are considered oneof the safest light therapy cosmetic procedures currently available.

The most common side effect is temporary redness and swellingaround the hair follicle, which usually disappears within a few hours.

In addition, here at KetchBeauty, our IPLs have a built-in skinsensor that prevents the device from operating in the open. The skin sensorfunction ensures that users cannot physically flash the light in their eyes.

One of the great things about IPL hair removal is that it can be donein the comfort of your own home.

There are many at-home IPL devices on the market that areFDA-cleared and safe to use. Before you begin, it's important to consult with adermatologist or other medical professional to ensure that IPL hair removal isright for you.

Website: - https://ketchbeauty.com/

Contact mail: - contact@ketchbeauty.com




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