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How Expensive Is Abiraterone Acetate Zytiga Professional

1 year ago Services New York City   59 views


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Location: New York City
Price: $1

Abiraterone acetate,under the brand name Zytiga, is renowned for its effectiveness in treatingcertain conditions. However, its price can be daunting. The cost variesdepending on factors like location, insurance coverage, and healthcare systems.Nonetheless, it tends to be high, often making it unaffordable for manyindividuals. This poses challenges in accessing necessary treatment and underscoresbroader issues regarding healthcare affordability and access. Efforts toaddress these concerns, such as negotiating prices or exploring genericalternatives, are crucial steps toward ensuring that vital medications likeAbiraterone acetate are accessible to all who need them.

 Abiraterone Acetate250 mg Tablet (Generic of ZYTIGA)

120 Tablets US$ 290   US$ 264 Save
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240 Tablets US$ 563   US$ 512 Save
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480 Tablets US$ 1102   US$ 1003 Save
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960 Tablets US$ 2158   US$ 1964 Save
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  AbirateroneAcetate 250 mg Tablet (Brand ZYTIGA, Janssen)

120 Tablets US$ 2235   US$ 2034 Save
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240 Tablets US$ 4381   US$ 3987 Save
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480 Tablets US$ 8672   US$ 7892 Save
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960 Tablets US$ 17166   US$ 15621 Save
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  AbirateroneAcetate 500 mg Tablet (Generic of ZYTIGA)

120 Tablets US$ 769   US$ 700 Save
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240 Tablets US$ 1492   US$ 1358 Save
3 % + 9 %
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480 Tablets US$ 2923   US$ 2660 Save
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960 Tablets US$ 5723   US$ 5208 Save
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