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Ieltscoaching Private

2 years ago Services Delhi   46 views
Location: Delhi
Price: $5,000

Bristol International School of Languages runs specialised IELTS course both Online and Offline. Students are offered 60 hours training. We are the best institute for IELTS in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi since we cater the need of students and help them to attain the desired Band. Our classes during the weekdays start at 8.00am -8.00pm; however, IELTS weekend batches (10.00am - 4.00pm) are dedicated to professionals who are excessively occupied in their profession during the weekdays. All our teachers are highly skilled in the areas of Exam preparation and will also correct additional work whether be it practices papers or extra homework for our students. Some of our most senior teachers with up to 15 years’ experience teach our IELTS exam preparation classes .for more information visit