Looking for 11 Plus Tuition in Dagenham Professional
2 years ago - Services - Dagenham - 47 viewsLooking for 11 Plus Tuition in Dagenham ? Our expert Eleven Plus 11+ tutors cover all concepts and have experience in helping children of all abilities with Math, English, Spelling, and Reading.
Carpe Diem is a dedicated eleven-plus tutor with years of experience assisting children in making the most of their future. We are pleased to announce the launch of online 11+ tutoring for students taking the Eleven-Plus exams. Our online Eleven-Plus tutoring programme includes a vast library of entertaining and interactive games, tests, practise workbooks, quizzes, lessons, and other engaging activities and educational resources.
All of this is combined with real-life 11 Plus tutors to ensure your child’s success in their upcoming exams. To provide a comprehensive solution to your child’s 11+ revision efforts, our online 11 Plus tutoring programme includes both online 11+ English tutoring and online 11+ Math tutoring resources.
Visit Website : https://www.carpe-diem.org.uk/our-services
Contact NO . 020 8593 6273