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Non Rising stem Gate valve manufacturer in India Professional

2 years ago Services New York City   55 views

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Location: New York City
Price: $ --

Specialityvalve is the leading Non Rising stem Gate valvemanufacturer in India. Non-rising stem gate valve is the type of gate valve withflexible wedge at its on-off disc. The moving direction this valve isperpendicular to the flow of medium. No-rising stem means outside stem. It isalso called as rotary stem gate valve or blind stem wedge gate valve. In thisvalve stem is used to tern the open and close the valve gate but this stem doesnot move up and down as it turns. Gate valve can be fully open or fully close.

The main difference between Rising Stem GateValve and Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve.

1. In a gate valve with a non-rising stem, onlythe stem is visible and the stem rotates rather than rising or falling. Thegate is secured by the nut. There is no gantry in sight. The non-rising stemgate valve's transmission thread is found inside the valve body. The gate inthe valve body is raised and lowered whereas the valve stem only rotates duringopening and shutting. As a result, the valve has a tiny height. The rising stemgate valve's lifting threaded stem is visible, and the stem nut is fixed andsituated close to the hand wheel. The gate is raised by turning the threadedstem. The stem and gate only move relative to one another in rotation, notaxially.

2. The threaded portion of the stem is visible onrising stem gate valves but not on non-rising stem valves.

3. The wheel and the valve stem are coupled andessentially motionless when the non-rising stem gate valve is switched. Thegate is driven upward and downward to complete the opening and closing by beingturned by the valve stem at a given location. The rising stem gate valvethreads the stem and wheel to raise or lower the gate.

4. The transmission thread on the rising stemgate valve stem is located outside the valve body, and it is this thread thatcauses the gate to rise and descend simultaneously. As a result, the positionof the gate may be intuitively determined based on the direction in which thevalve is moving and its location, and the transmission thread is shielded fromfluids and kept lubricated, but it needs a big installation area.


Features of Non Rising Stem Gate Valve:

·      It has full bore design

·      It has good and clear body marking

·      Rolled stem ensures smooth thread edges and double tread


Non Rising Stem Gate Valve is used in industries like:

·      Marine industry

·      Oil & Gas industry

·      Manufacturing industry

·      Automotive industry


Types of Non Rising Stem Gate Valve:

·      NRS Cast Iron Gate Valve

·      NRS Carbon Steel Gate Valve

·      NRS Ductile Iron Gate Valve


Advantages of Non Rising Stem Gate valve:

·      I takes less time

·      They can handle high temperature and pressure

·      It is ideal for gate valve where space is bvery limited



Body Material: Cast iron, Ductileiron, Casting steel (WCC, WCB, LCC, LCB, WC6, WC9), Stainless steel( SS304,SS316,CF8M, SS316L, SS904,LA105, F304, F304L, F316, F316L)


Class: 150 to 2500

Pressure: PN10 – PN450

Size: ½” to 48”

End: Buttweld, Socketweld, Threaded, Flanged

Operations: Hand Wheel, Gear operated, Electric and Pneumatic Actuated


Visit: https://www.specialityvalve.com/product-category/non-rising-stem-gate-valve-2/