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Play Archery Tag Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC at Ek Game Time Professional

2 years ago Community Virginia   252 views

$ --

  • play-archery-tag-virginia-maryland-and-washington-dc-at-ek-game-time-big-0
Location: Virginia
Price: $ --

Archery Tag Virginia isthe archeryequivalent of Paintball and involves elements of Dodgeball and Laser Tag. We provide an inflatable battlefield and all playingequipment, including full paintball mask, real recurve bows, target spots andfoam tipped ‘LARP’ safety arrows.

We operate afully mobile Archery Tag service from Maryland and Washington DC metropolitanareas. We can help you source a location we have used around town!

The equipmentand games are easy to use and our events are suitable for beginners to advancedarchers. Throughout the course of your event we will run you through lotsof fun game modes including Elimination, Team Death Match, Infection, LastRunner Standing and more.

In addition tothat, there are other games also such as Gelly Ball , Water tag, FoamParty etc.