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Polypropylene Woven Fabrics Professional

1 year ago Services Kansas City   42 views


  • polypropylene-woven-fabrics-big-0
Location: Kansas City
Price: $74,900

Polypropylene Woven Fabrics Manufacturer by Fazal and sons since 2004. Polypropylene Woven Fabric is a strong fabricthat serves as dependable and economical packaging option for variuousindustries. Itis a plain sheet of lightor heavy denieras per clients requirements it is widely use intexiles and many other sector for bailing purpose. Polypropylene Woven Fabric, madefrom Polypropylene isused for a wide range of commercial, industrial, and manufacturingapplications. These fabrics possess high tear resistance due to multiplelayering which makes them strong, economical and reliable packaging options fortransporting commodities.