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Rail Static Weighing System Professional

1 year ago Services Chicago   53 views

$ --

  • rail-static-weighing-system-big-0
Location: Chicago
Price: $ --

We manufacture andsupply precision Rail static weigh bridges for railway wagons. our rail staticweigh weighing scales are the most accurate on the market, giving you peace ofmind in the safety of the people, our systems greatly benefit offering a multitudeof tests ranging from individual wheel weights, axle, bogie, wagon and fulltrain weights. Our system is used to load the cement; fly ash in closed wagons.we can load single wagon or two wagons simultaneously. We can fix target foreach wagon, As soon as the wagon weight attains a pre-set value by filling withmaterial (say 50 tons), the system should give the “CLOSE” or “STOP” command tostop the loading of the wagon. The difference of the empty and loaded wagon,which is the actual material loaded in the wagon, should be displayed andrecorded in a PC. This system is controls the dust emission and the loading iscompletely very faster.

For more details visit: https://www.adityaweighing.com/product-Rail-Static-Weighing-System.html