Residency-based taxation versus citizenship-based taxation Professional
2 years ago - Services - New York City - 27 viewsAre you a resident stayingin the United States of America? Do you wish to know about residency-basedtaxation and citizenship-based taxation? Then, you have come to an amazingplace at Let us discuss in more detail the residency-based andcitizenship-based taxation and the difference between the two. So, stay tunedto know more citizenship and residency taxation details about it.
Let us discuss how thetaxation process is carried out, and it makes all the difference across theglobe. Something that accidental Americans are well aware of and several expatstoo. This determines what, who is taxed, and how much it is taxed. We will alsolearn about the tax implications for citizenship-based and residency-basedtaxation for expats.
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