Resolve QuickBooks error 6000 83 | 8558751223 Professional
2 years ago - Services - New York City - 33 viewsMake sure all the computers connected to your server have the correct IP address and Linux server name. Start with the computer where you see Error -6000,-83. Close QuickBooks on all of the computers connected to your network. Go to the File menu and select Quit QuickBooks Desktop. QuickBooks Error 6000 83 occurs when the user tries to access, restore, or backup your company files. Read this article on how to fix Errors. When the error occurs, you will be notified with QuickBooks error message 83- “QuickBooks was unable to open the company file” The error message also displays the causes of the error along with the right course of action you can fix the problem. While working in multi-user mode, the QuickBooks error 83 can be caused due to the configuration issues. There are many reasons for the error that pops up.