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Reusable Cloth Diapers for NewBorn Private

2 years ago Services Bengaluru   37 views

1 ₹

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Location: Bengaluru
Price: 1 ₹

Reusable cloth diapers are a better option than disposable diapers foryour baby’s first years. They provide better environmental protections thanconventional diapers and can be used again and again for many diaper changes.They are also a better option for you and your family than conventionaldisposable diapers. They require far less energy to produce and to transport,and they have a smaller environmental footprint.

Cloth diapers are the best way to diaper a baby. They’re far moresustainable and they save money and the environment. But no one wants to usecloth diapers when they’re new to the world. That’s why we’re making theworld’s first reusable cloth diapers for newborns.
