Shower Steamers | Sleepy Falls Professional
1 year ago - Services - New York City - 35 views
New York City
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SleepyFalls is an online seller of shower steamer products. It transforms your showerinto a spa-like experience.
Usingthese products has more benefits. It helps with anxiety and promotes deepsleep. It also releases melatonin and improves sleep quality. Our products areas follows:
- Energy Enrich + shower Steamers
- Breathe Easy + Shower Steamers
- Sleepy Steamers
- Shower Bombs
Shower steamers release a fragrance from essential oils. These oils are handmade and organic. A person may enjoy their aroma or use them for health reasons. All of our products are cruelty-free products with no animal testing. Give your shower routine some love. For more information, contact us at our website.