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Shower Steamers | Sleepy Falls Professional

1 year ago Fashion, Home & Garden New York City   48 views

$ --

  • shower-steamers-sleepy-falls-big-0
Location: New York City
Price: $ --

Sleepy Falls is an online seller of shower steamer products. Ittransforms your shower into a spa-like experience. Shower steamers release afragrance from essential oils. These oils are handmade and organic. 

 Using these products has more benefits.It helps with anxiety and promotes deep sleep. It also releases melatonin andimproves sleep quality. Our products are as follows:


·        EnergyEnrich + shower Steamers

·        BreatheEasy + Shower Steamers

·        SleepySteamers

·        ShowerBombs     

All of ourproducts are cruelty-free products with no animal testing. Give your showerroutine some love. For more information about Shower Steamers, contact us today.

