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Tarot Card Reading - Prophet Mike Professional

1 year ago Services San Francisco   41 views


  • tarot-card-reading-prophet-mike-big-0
Location: San Francisco
Price: $20

Tarot spells are a less common way of doing a ritual but theimagery of a Tarot card can be a powerful tool in your spells. Both of thesespells require that you have a deck, or at least one card from a Tarot deck butyou can use any deck you likeIf you are just getting started doing Tarotreadings, this little spell can help you improve your skills at reading thecards. It also works as a great Tarot card blessing when you get a new deck.

Take the cards out of the box and put them on your altar (orwherever you're doing this Tarot spell). Drape the purple fabric over thecards, and repeat the following several times For more detail you can contacthere

:- (E): info@prophet-mike.com

(M): +27604371416

(W): https://prophet-mike.com/tarot.html