Thyrocare Madurai Professional
1 year ago - Services - Madurai - 21 viewsThyrocare is India's first fully automated diagnosticlaboratory with a focus on providing quality at affordable costs tolaboratories and hospitals in India and other countries. Regional ProcessingLaboratory in major metro cities of India and other parts of Asia.
One of the most popular health checkup packages offered by Thyrocare Madurai isthe Aarogyam package. This package includes a total of 63 tests that cover allmajor aspects of health, including blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels,liver function, kidney function, thyroid function, and more. The Aarogyampackage is ideal for people who want to get a comprehensive picture of theiroverall health status.
For those who are looking for a more targeted health checkuppackage, Thyrocare Madurai offers a range of specialized packages as well.These packages include tests for specific conditions such as diabetes, heartdisease, liver disease, and more. The specialized packages are designed toprovide a more detailed analysis of a specific area of health, allowingindividuals to better manage their health and prevent future health issues.
Address : 13/88/3, Krn Complex,Nehru NagarWest,
Kalapatti Main Road,Coimbatore - 641 014
Phone Number: +91 82487 12359