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Uses of Rubber Used in Construction | Rubber in Cement Mortar and Concrete Private

2 years ago Services Indianapolis   58 views
Location: Indianapolis
Price: $ --

Rubber is also known as an elastomer, which is produced as a natural product from rubber trees and also produced by chemical processes. The former is called natural rubber and latter as synthetic rubber.
Rubber is also produced as recycled rubber by recycling it from used worn-out objects like automobile tyres, basically used for making hosepipes and other unimportant items.

Natural Rubber
The natural rubber is obtained by collecting milk from rubber trees at rubber plantations called latex. The impurities present in it are removed and is coagulated by weak acetic acid. The solid matter is passed through rollers to get creep rubber and processed to get commercial rubber compounds.

For more information visit now: https://www.buildersmart.in/blogs/rubber/