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What are CPVC Pipes | CPVC Pipes advantages Professional

2 years ago Services Hyderabad   37 views

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Location: Hyderabad
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The piping material industry is highly undervalued.
The safety performance in this industry is so crucial because these environments often have many lives which are at stake.
That is why this industry has to be regulated closely by Health and Occupational Safety authorities.
When you add the reliability and cost for piping,
it becomes very clear why the material being used for piping is an important factor to consider.

What are CPVC Pipes used for?
CPVC stands for Chlorinated PolyVinyl Chloride.
It is a thermoplastic material which is often recommended for use over PVC pipes because they can withstand higher temperatures.
It is also more flexible and durable. CPVC pipes are used for both hot and cold water passage and other industrial liquids.

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